Church Practice

Church Practice

Copyright, Trademark and Creative Content Matters

Issues involving creative content frequently arise in the day-to-day operation of a church. This often takes on many different forms-such as written materials developed by church pastoral staff or of the development of music related content by music ministry personnel. Churches should have a clear and concise policy regarding ownership of sermons, articles, books, music, video productions as well as electronic and digital works.

We offer the following services to our church clients:

  • Advice and counsel on appropriate use of third party materials and assistance in obtaining proper licenses (CCLI, ASCAP, BMI, etc.).
  • Registrations at the state and federal level of church related trademarks.
  • Registrations at the state and federal level of copyrighted works (music, books, drama/plays).
  • Drafting and negotiation of “work made for hire” agreements for copyright purposes (when outside vendors are involved).
  • Drafting and negotiation of licensing agreements relating to creative content matters.
  • The management and administration of intellectual property infringement litigation.
  • Development of terms and conditions for use of church website and related content.
  • Development of policies and procedures for social networking websites and intra-church communication clearinghouse mechanisms