Church Practice

Church Practice

Insurance and Claims Management

Many times, the insurance carrier, to avoid a bad faith claim, will permit defense costs to be covered (when a lawsuit is filed in conjunction with a claim) under a “reservation of rights” basis. This allows the church client to continue to have timely representation and to have defense costs (legal fees and court costs) covered by the insurance company without the carrier being committed to cover any loss resulting from the disposition of the merits of the case (until such determination is made by the carrier as to obligation of coverage).

We offer the following services to our church clients:

  • Evaluation of the potential for coverage and assistance/coordination of the reporting of the claim to the insurance carrier, to ensure strict compliance with the terms of the policy.
  • Coordination with the insurance company regarding key deadlines if a lawsuit is filed in conjunction with a claim.
  • Management and coordination of the process of responding to the carrier with facts and analysis in support of coverage.
  • Acting as litigation counsel for the church client, as approved by the insurance carrier.